UDCC News & Events

Welcome to University District Children's Center (UDCC)!

Our mission is to provide a nurturing environment that values diversity and builds community by honoring and respecting all children and families.

UDCC’s overall purpose is to provide a warm, nurturing and developmentally-appropriate environment that respects and values the individual temperament, needs, and culture of the children and families we serve. We believe each child deserves a safe space to explore, wonder, and discover. Classroom and outdoor environments are designed and prepared daily for children to explore, create, learn, and discover themselves. Teachers pay careful attention to individual interests by observing, recording, and listening to children's play. We provide opportunities for children to practice collaboration, problem solving, listening, and resolving conflicts. Our goal is for children to have a strong sense of themselves and the world, be socially competent, and able to successfully navigate the world.

UDCC Dates to Remember


Staff In-Service Training Day

Closed for an in-service training day for staff


Memorial Day

Closed for Memorial Day

UDCC Policies

Everything you and your student need to know about the UDCC community!


EasyFolios is our system for managing everything about UDCC. Its goal is to inform parents, inspire teachers, and celebrate children. It makes it easy to share photos, stories, documentation, and notes with parents. Parents are updated with real-time notifications on their phones and computers.

Go to EasyFolios

UDCC Forms

Here are all the forms you need!